I've absent but now I'm back
It has been a while... and to be honest keeping on top of a blog has proven one of my biggest challenges.
I think essentially it isn't the writing of a blog that presents a problem, it is being organised. By that I mean planning what I'm going to blog about and getting prepared to write it.
The blog I'm currently putting together looks at a relatively new venue, Sunninghill Weddings, set in the old town of Dorchester, Dorset. The history alone fascinated me because of the architecture, people and the locality. I visited on Good Friday (as good a day as any, apart from the awful weather that day). Here's a sneaky peak ahead of my next blog.
I don't want to say too much at this point but I must say a huge thank you to Jacky who runs this amazing venue. She welcomed me, took the time to show me around and allowed me to capture some shots of this historic building.
In the up-coming blog you can find out more: about the home, the history, the exciting new developments taking shape at Sunninghill about some of the local suppliers featured in the blog.
If all goes to plan the blog will be published over the weekend so please be sure to head back and check it out.